
Woman arrested for sending threatening texts and attacking roommate in Landmark area

A 30-year-old Alexandria woman was arrested last month and charged with making threats and domestic assault and battery against her roommate in the Landmark area.

The suspect was booked and released on July 14, and her court date is not yet publicly listed.

The victim showed police numerous threatening texts, including one reading “Plan your funeral”. Another showed a photo of a long rifle resting on the child seat of the suspect’s 2016 green Jeep Compass.

The suspect allegedly broke the door chain of the front door and attacked the victim.

“(The suspect) attacked (the victim) who was eventually able to pin (the suspect) to the ground and call 911 for assistance,” police said.

A search of the suspect’s car found a single empty bullet casing and more.

“The child seat that the long rifle was laying across in the picture (the suspect) sent to (the victim) to threaten her is currently present inside of (the suspect’s car) that is currently in Alexandria Police Department custody,” police said in the search warrant.

The Alexandria Sexual Assault Center and Domestic Violence Program is available 24/7 to listen and help at 703-746-4911.

“If you are a neighbor and know that an abusive incident is occurring, call the police immediately,” the city said. “Calling the police is simply the most effective way to protect the victim and children from immediate harm.”

Via Google Maps