
One-third of Alexandria’s workforce works from home

ALXnow editor’s work from home setup (staff photo by Vernon Miles)

Of the 96,993 working Alexandrians, 30% of them work from home (30,015 people), according to the US Census.

United States Census data collected from 2022 provides a detailed breakdown of how Alexandrians travel to work.

The majority of workers, 51% of them (50,019 people), drove to work alone, with only 4,479 people reporting carpooling.

The least used category of travel was taxicab, motorcycle, bicycle or “other means” at 2.3% of workers (2,303 people), slightly less than the 2,345 people who walked to work.

The census estimated that 7,832 Alexandrians took public transportation to work in 2022. While this is only 8% of the workforce, the city was still included in a viral post about 21 cities with a population over 100k people where over 10% of residents take public transit to work.