
Alexandria considering sidewalk improvements near four schools

Curb extension (image via City of Alexandria)

The City of Alexandria is considering some improvements to sidewalks to make it easier and safer for students to walk to school.

The City is considering curb extensions, which bump out the sidewalk at corners or mid-block to shorten the crossing distance, make pedestrians more visible, and slow turning vehicles. Curb extensions were recommended in the city’s Complete Streets Design Guidelines.

A walk audit conducted in 2017 at 13 schools also recommended curb extensions at multiple intersections.

The city is considering multiple extensions near four different schools:

  • Jefferson-Houston PreK-8 School: N. West Street and Princess Street
  • Mount Vernon Community School: Commonwealth Avenue’s intersections with Uhler Avenue, Mt. Ida Avenue, Groves Avenue and Forrest Street
  • Patrick Henry K-8 School: N. Jordan Street and Taney Avenue
  • Samuel Tucker Elementary School: Cameron Station Blvd

The city is developing a grant application to fund the design and construction of the curb extensions. A survey is available online and the grant application deadline is later this fall. If the funding is approved, the design work could start next year, with construction from 2025-2026.