
Warwick Village neighborhood could get Alexandria’s first mini-roundabout

Mini-roundabout proposed in Warwick Village (image via City of Alexandria)

Alexandria’s Warwick Village neighborhood could be getting the city’s first mini-roundabout.

At the same meeting where they supported a proposal to make changes to the Mount Vernon Trail in Old Town North, the Traffic and Parking Board also backed the implementation of a “mini-roundabout” to be installed at the intersection of Kennedy and Hickory streets in Warwick Village.

The City of Alexandria received multiple requests for an all-way stop to be implemented at the site. Reports filed with the city indicated that the crosswalk is poorly marked and cars tend to “fly through” the intersection. City staff found “poor stop compliance” on Kennedy Street, leading to the recommendation of a mini-roundabout.

Staff noted in the meeting that this would be the first mini-roundabout recommended in Alexandria.

“Mini-roundabouts are great countermeasures due to their lower-cost and high-benefit to address multiple issues,” the report said.

The Traffic and Parking Board unanimously supported the recommendation to turn the intersection into a mini-roundabout. Like the changes to the Mount Vernon Trail, some on the Board expressed an interest in following the implementation of the change and seeing if it can be applied elsewhere in Alexandria.