
Upcoming Mount Vernon Trail night-tour includes firefly and bat-watching

A runner on the Mount Vernon Trail at sunset near Daingerfield Island (Staff photo by Jay Westcott)

The Friends of the Mount Vernon Trail have done a lot of work on the eponymous trail, and now the group is offering a unique new way of experiencing it.

The group is hosting a “Fireflies and Bats Walk” on Saturday, June 24, from 8:45-9:45 p.m. The tour is free but attendees can get tickets and make an optional $10 donation online. The tour starts at 615 Slaters Lane.

“How do fireflies produce their glow?” the event listing asked. “Why are bats an important part of the ecosystem? Come find out on our firefly and bat walk. We’ll meet at the corner of Abingdon and Slaters Lane outside of the Salvation Army Headquarters.”

The tour includes a visit to some of the best bat and firefly watching spots along the trail and a look at a device used to identify different species of bats based on the frequency of their echolocation.

The walk is about one mile long.

Guests should bring a reflective vest and a flashlight — ideally one with a red light setting.

H/t to Sloane Airey