
Robinson Terminal North, a major piece of Alexandria’s Waterfront Plan, headed to city review next month

Plans for Robinson Terminal North, one of the last missing pieces of Alexandria’s aspirations for a contiguous waterfront, are headed to city review next month.

The development, first reported last November, involves a multifamily residential building with ground-floor retail and a restaurant. The project is headed to the Board of Architectural Review on Wednesday, Feb. 21.

A big piece of the Alexandria Waterfront Small Area Plan, approved over a decade ago, was restoring and improving pedestrian access along the river. Robinson Terminal North is one of the only parts of Alexandria’s waterfront that hasn’t been publicly accessible.

The application includes watercolor-looking renderings alongside the typical computer-generated images. The plans call for two main buildings on either side of N. Union Street, along with a smaller circular building at the east end of the site near the water.

The development website said Rooney Properties hoped to have the redevelopment completed by 2025 — an ambitious goal given that the project hasn’t been approved yet.

The application said the portions of the property along the waterfront will have public access with a naturalized shoreline and native planting, though some of the designs also include a pier where a ship can moor.

Plans for Robinson Terminal North (image via Morris Adjmi Architects/City of Alexandria)