
JUST IN: Student suffers suspected non-fatal overdose at Alexandria City High School

The Alexandria City High School marquee (staff photo by James Cullum)

An Alexandria City High School student suffered a suspected non-fatal overdose inside the school, Superintendent Melanie Kay-Wyatt announced to parents this afternoon.

“I am writing to make you aware of a suspected school-connected, non-fatal student overdose that happened today at Alexandria City High School — King St. Campus,” Kay-Wyatt wrote.

The last suspected overdose at ACHS was on Dec. 15.

Kay-Wyatt directed families to the Alexandria City Public Schools substance abuse education and prevention page.

According to ACPS:

For any student who wants to share any thoughts or feelings they may have at this time, there are resources in place. At ACHS, students can aleays reach out to a counselor, administrator or any trusted adult in the school if they are in need of help. Our students can also reach out to CrisiText and Crisis Link at any time, 24/7, through the contacts below:

  • Text: CONNECT to 85511
  • Call CrisisLink: 703-527-4077

We encourage all students, staff and families to please share any concerns you may have about substance abuse within our schools using our anonymous reporting system that is accessible in multiple languages,. All tips are anonymous and are responded to in a timely manner.

Additionally, a fire alarm was pulled at ACHS at around 1:45 p.m., the school was evacuated and no fire or emergency was found, according to the Fire Department scanner.

One thought on “JUST IN: Student suffers suspected non-fatal overdose at Alexandria City High School

  1. “I am writing to make you aware of a suspected school-connected, non-fatal student overdose that happened today at Alexandria City High School — King St. Campus,” Kay-Wyatt wrote.

    I love it how this is “school-connected” when the same group uses guns or knives down the road at Bradlee the same administration claims the incident has nothing to do with the school or the population.

    SCHOOL CONNECTED IS MORE THAN THE LOCATION! Don’t believe me? Wander around Bradlee in the afternoon, when the shopping center literally has to hire Alexandria police to keep things sane.

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