
Live Alexandria: Where’s the beef? Oak Steakhouse

Explore Alexandria living in this bi-weekly column sponsored and written by Sandy McMaster of McEnearney Associates. Got a question or comment? Contact Sandy at [email protected].

If Oak Steakhouse were a recipe, it would be one part exclusivity, another part sophistication, and a dash of warm Southern hospitality.

A place where Wednesday dinner can feel like a special occasion.

The skilled staff isn’t just great with food, they’re great with people. Dining experiences don’t just satisfy your taste buds. They fill your emotional cup, too. It’s a hug AND a kiss.

My special thanks to General Manager Todd Hunt for joining us this week. Todd, we’ll see you soon!

To get to know more about me and how I help people build lives they want in homes they love, follow me @SandyMcMaster on IG or visit  www.SandyMcMaster.RealEstate