
Live Alexandria: Who’s Ada? And why do we love her so much?

Explore Alexandria living in this bi-weekly column sponsored and written by Sandy McMaster of McEnearney Associates. Got a question or comment? Contact Sandy at [email protected].

Ada Lovelace is widely recognized as writing the first computer program and is regarded as the most famous mathematician of the 19th century. Her ingenuity was an inspiration point for Ada’s On The River, one of Alexandria’s best waterfront restaurants.

Don’t worry. You don’t have to complete a math equation to get a reservation. Even if you failed algebra, Ada’s will treat you like royalty.

Dave Nicholas, the co-founder of Alexandria Restaurant Group, joins us this week to give us a glimpse into what it took to bring Ada’s On The River to Alexandria and why it’s one of Alexandria’s best places to dine.

Whether you’re looking for patio, indoor, or private dining, Ada’s will give you an elevated dining experience.

Save me a seat because I’ll see you there!

To get to know more about me and how I help people build lives they want in homes they love, follow me @SandyMcMaster on IG or visit  www.SandyMcMaster.RealEstate