
Tell us how ALXnow can better serve you and the community

ALXnow has grown significantly in the last year, but we want to do even more to serve the Alexandria community.

That’s why we’re again conducting out annual reader survey. Your feedback will set the stage for everything we do over the next 12 months, including adjustments to our news coverage mix and the addition of new site features.

If you enjoy reading ALXnow and want to have a voice in how we can best serve your needs, please click the button below.

This year’s survey will close after March 6. It should take an average of three minutes to complete.

Thank you, Alexandria, for helping us continue to improve and grow.

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[su_button url=”https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/6H2K2HG” target=”blank” style=”flat” size=”6″ center=”yes”]Take the survey![/su_button]

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