
Live Alexandria: Holiday gift guide

Explore Alexandria living in this bi-weekly column sponsored and written by Sandy McMaster of McEnearney Associates. Got a question or comment? Contact Sandy at [email protected].

It’s official! The holiday shopping season is here! 

The fantastic businesses that were kind enough to help us launch this series are some of my favs — but first things first. COFFEE. Any good shopping trip in the city starts coffee at The Greenery. I highly recommend “The Stacked.” Trust me on this one — delicious.

The next stop should be Made In ALX (we have some seriously talented and creative people living among us!) If you’re looking for high-quality bespoke stocking stuffers and gifts, put MadeInALX at the top of your shopping tour.

Sending cards to special people? That will require a stop at Penny Post. And if you’re at Penny Post, you’re a half-block from Red Barn Mercantile — so of course you go! Even out-of-towners put Red Barn on their list of shops to visit!

Lastly — you have to put a little self-care into the holiday schedule. That means sitting in Angela’s chair at Salon De Zen. They’ll be sure to keep you looking snappy for all your holiday photos!

We hope you enjoy the season and all the city offers. If you see me at a boat parade or a tree lighting, please say hello!

Happy holidays!

To get to know more about me and how I help people build lives they want in homes they love, follow me @SandyMcMaster on IG or visit  www.SandyMcMaster.RealEstate