
Tonight’s trivia topic at an Old Town museum: Alexandria history

If you can sort out your archeology digs from your mystery goosepigs, there’s a trivia event tonight just for you.

The staff at the Carlyle House Historic Park and the Lee-Fendall House Museum have collaborated to create a new bi-weekly trivia event and tonight’s topic is focusing on something ALXnow readers should know well: Alexandria history.

The bi-weekly trivia contest at the Lee-Fendall House Museum & Garden (614 Oronoco Street) usually covers topics ranging from pop culture to general history, but the theme of the event tonight (Friday) is Alexandria history.

“Trivia nights are $10 a person which includes 1 drink ticket,” the event listing said. “Additional drinks can be bought at our cash bar. Teams may have up to 6 members on them. Registration slots are first come, first served, so we recommend paying ahead of time to save your spot. Trivia will take place rain or shine.”

The trivia contest is only open to contestants ages 21 or older.

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